Feast of Sharing
The Dallas area near El Centro College is certainly well fed after SAL members volunteered at the Feast of Sharing. This event is a free Thanksgiving meal for the community. Hundreds of people attended the event, ranging from those who were homeless to families of 10. The guests were able to eat as much food as they wanted. In addition to food, people enjoyed live music, dancing, and ice cream. SAL volunteers were bussers for the first half, clearing plates and replacing placemats and utensils. For the second half, they serves as greeters and servers.
Amber Johnson, the Vice President of Community Service for El Centro’s SAL chapter, thinks they will participate in this event each year. “This was an amazing activity,” she said. “We were able to serve those in the community by helping to meet the basic need of nourishment. Interacting with the people and seeing the gratitude in their smiles was very rewarding. It was so much fun. We grew as people and as a team.”
For more information on El Centro College’s SAL chapter, click here.