Kickoff Meeting and Letters to Children

SAL’s Montclair State University Chapter recently had their Spring Kick-off to welcome all members, whether they were returning or new, and then wrote letters to children with chronic illnesses.

After a brief presentation on what SAL is and the benefits of being a member, officers highlighted some plans for the semester.  Members also played an ice breaker to get to know each other better, and then they took advantage of the rest of the time to write encouraging letters to the children.

“I felt this meeting was a success and informational for the members. Anyone that had questions asked and got them answered, we became better acquainted with each other and were able to do a great thing by writing the letters,” summarized Chapter President Maysoon Salem.

Not long after sending the cards for the children, they were touched to receive a thank-you letter from the organization through which they sent the cards, which confirmed to them the importance of this very special project!  Way to go, Montclair members!

To learn more about the Montclair State University Chapter, click here.


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