SALentine’s Day Celebrations 2020
Sigma Alpha Lambda members at several of our chapters celebrated Valentine’s Day together this year. They shared the love in a variety of creative ways that we hope will make you smile.
Members at Indiana State University planned ahead to request donations of roses from local florists and then delivered them to the nearby Spring Hill Nursing Home. Residents were happy to receive the loving gifts, and members enjoyed bringing smiles to elderly faces. For other chapters considering this idea, chapter president Courtney Sledge recommends asking for flower donations anytime other than Valentine’s Day. Recipients will appreciate the gift whenever it is given, and florists will be more willing to donate at a time other than their peak holiday.
At the University of Arizona, members wrote positive and encouraging notes and posted them around campus for anyone to pick up. As a chapter, they discussed self-love and keeping a positive mindset and then shared that love around campus with their affirmative messages. Their discussion “inspired members to make more notes to post around campus,” according to chapter president Vanessa Paravati.
Our Purdue University chapter spread the love beyond their campus by making Valentine’s cards for elderly residents at their town’s Friendship Community House. They gathered again a few days later to deliver the cards in person, providing opportunities for members to interact with local seniors.
Officers at our University of Georgia chapter had the same idea. They crafted twenty-three unique cards for residents of a local nursing home for delivery on Valentine’s Day.
University of Maryland College Park SAL members also created homemade cards, but their greetings were destined for hospitalized children. Chapter president Kaleigh Pikulsky said “Valentine’s Day is about spreading laughter and love, and UMD SAL wanted to make sure it reached all corners of our community.”
SAL officers at California State University Fresno showed their appreciation for their own chapter members by handing out Valentine’s cards and candies to each member who attended their February meeting. Unfortunately, members who joined the meeting via Zoom didn’t get any candy, but adding the Zoom option was a great way to reach members who couldn’t attend in person.
If you missed your chance to share the love on SALentine’s Day this year, remember that you can make any day a random day of love, service, and kindness. For ideas, click here. What will you do to share the spirit of SAL with others in your community?