How much is the membership fee?

There is a one-time membership fee of $75.

What happens when I become a member?

You join a national network of like-minded honors university students striving to make the world a better place.  You become eligible for SAL scholarships and awards and leadership positions to boost your resume/graduate school application and improve your overall college experience.


Is this a sorority or fraternity?

No, we are a national leadership and honors organization.

Are scholarships and awards available to members?

Sigma Alpha Lambda offers awards and scholarships for members who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement, exhibited strong leadership skills, and made a substantial contribution to their local Chapter and local community.  For a detailed list of our scholarships and more information on the application process, please see our Scholarships page.

What is the time commitment?

There is no minimum amount of time required.  You may participate in as little or as many events as your schedule allows.  We encourage you to attend as many events as you can to increase your chances of earning the President’s Volunteer Service Award and to reap the many benefits of our organization.

Is my SAL membership something I can put on my resume?

Yes. Sigma Alpha Lambda exists all over the country and has an expansive network of alumni.  It would be to your advantage to list us on your resume and/or graduate school application.

How do I contact someone from the national office?

You can contact the national office employee of your choosing by going to https://sigmaalphalambda.org/contact/.

How can I start a chapter at my university?

Email info@sigmaalphalambda.org to discuss the steps necessary for starting a new chapter.

May I cancel my membership?

Membership may be cancelled at anytime by contacting membership@salhonors.org. However, refunds will only be issued up to 30 days after your join date.