Chapter Annual Report for Academic Year 2019-2020

    This report must be filled out no later than May 31, 2021. If you have any questions or need assistance in completing this form, please contact your Chapter Support Representative.

    *Select Chapter: [chapterselect]

    Chapter Goals and Evaluation:

    *Briefly describe the goals of the chapter as established at the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year or at the point of chapter recognition:

    *What were the biggest factors that enabled you to achieve those goals?

    *What were the biggest obstacles to achieving those goals?

    *What do you believe are your chapter's greatest strengths?

    *What areas of opportunity for improvement do you see for the chapter in the coming academic year?

    *Please give us a description of your most successful chapter activity and why you would or would not recommend it to other chapters.

    *What actions did the chapter undertake or what is planned to increase member participation in chapter activities?

    Administration, Infrastructure and Planning:

    *Have you completed chapter activity reports for all activities during the 2020-2021 academic year? If not, please complete online at

    *Has your chapter developed a planning calendar for the upcoming year? If yes, please attach a copy at the bottom of this report.

    *Does your chapter currently have a web site other than the Facebook group?

    If yes, please list the web site address:

    *What is your preferred social media outlet for SAL communication?

    *Does your chapter have a SAL banner?

    *If yes, has it been transferred to the incoming officers?

    *If your chapter utlilizes an account to deposit and manage funds, is it managed by the university?

    If the account is university managed, is the policy of the university to sweep (remove) all funds at the end of each semester or academic year?

    If your funds are managed by the SAL National Office, have all fundraising money and leftover funds been sent to the National Office?

    *Did your chapter implement a point system for incentivizing members to participate and recognizing and rewarding their participation?

    If yes, please describe any changes you would make to your point system to make it more effective and more manageable:

    *Are you aware of your university's requirements and deadlines for re-registration of the organization for 2021-2022?

    *Have you completed re-registration?

    *How accessible is your on-campus chapter advisor? (Please explain, including whether or not the advisor attended meetings/activities and what percentage of meetings/activities they attended).

    Financial Authorization

    I authorize Sigma Alpha Lambda to include the above named affiliated chapter in its Federal Group Tax Return for the period ending August 31, 2021, and affirm one of the following:

    The Chapter's gross receipts during the year:
    DID NOT exceed $25,000DID exceed $25,000

    I understand that additional financial information must be collected in order to include this chapter in Sigma Alpha Lambda's Federal Group Tax Return, and will provide chapter financial information upon request.

    *Please type your full name in the box as a digital signature.

    *Email Address:

    *Today's Date:

    If you have developed a planning calendar, please attach it here:

    *Please type in what you see to the right: captcha